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St. George Tap 115kV Transmission Line, St. George 115/25kV Substation, Charlton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In February of 1997, Historic Preservation Consulting was hired by Oglethorpe Power Corporation to conduct a historic resource evaluation of the proposed St. George Tap 115kV Transmission Line and St. George 115/25kV substation project in Charlton County, GEORGIA. The proposed Transmission Line route will be approximately 27 miles long and consist of concrete poles ranging from 65 to 85 feet in height in a 75-100 foot wide right-of-way (See photograph # 11.16 for an example). The tops of the poles would be 10 inches in diameter and the conductors (wires) would be 1 inch in diameter. The distance between poles will vary depending on terrain, but will typically be 700 feet apart. The proposed project begins at north tap near Homeland, Georgia, and proceeds south to the substation site in St. George. The majority of the route parallels State Route 23-121 (see Map of Proposed Project on page 4); however, there are significant cross-country portions at the north (tap) end, where the route proceeds cross-country to the north and east of the town of St. George. Land use is predominantly silviculture and rural; there are a few pastures/ agricultural fields in the northern part of the route. The proposed substation site is approximately five acres and is located east of St. George on the south side of Highway 94.