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Phase I/II Archaeological Investigations in the Richmond Heights Project Area, Summerhill Urban Redevelopment Area

Report Number
Year of Publication

New South Associates conducted a Phase I/II archaeological investigation of five lots in the Richmond Heights Project Area of the Summerhill Urban Redevelopment Area of Atlanta between March 3 and 10, 1998. Archaeological study consisted of backhoe trenching and excavation of a 10 by 10 foot block off each trench. Trenches were placed along the rear of each lot, line in an effort to identify historic yard features such as wells, privies, trash pits and structural foundations as well as possible sheet midden. The study did not locate any evidence of sheet midden and only two cultural features were identified. Feature 1 was a modern cinder block foundation whose builders trench contained fill with mixed historic and modern artifacts. Feature 2 was a well with modern fill. Additional historic research chronicled the historic inhabitants of the lots, however, in the absence of any archaeological features no further archaeological study is recommended at any of the five lots.