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Addendum to the Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Flat Shoals Road at Covington Bypass Intersection Improvements, Newton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) P.I. 0012646 is a proposed intersection improvements project at the CR 653/Covington Bypass and CR 181/Flat Shoals Road intersection approximately 1.5 miles southeast of the city of Porterdale in Newton County, Georgia. The proposed project would improve the existing intersection to provide a safer roadway condition for motorists and improve the operational efficiency of the intersection. The proposed project is being designed to accommodate existing and future projected traffic volumes with widened travel lanes and turn lanes, as well as a new traffic signal. The proposed project would extend approximately .31 mile along Flat Shoals Road and .36 mile along Covington Bypass. The existing typical section of Covington Bypass consists of two 12-foot travel lanes (one in each direction) with an 8-foot rural outside shoulder and no median. The existing typical section of Flat Shoals Road consists of two 12-foot travel lanes (one in each direction) with a 6-foot rural outside shoulder and no median. There is an existing 6-inch curb and gutter located along the south side of Covington Bypass and the east side of Flat Shoals Road in front of the gas station. The proposed typical section along Covington Bypass would consist of two 12-foot travel lanes (one in each direction) and a 10-foot (4-foot paved) rural outside shoulder and no median. West of the intersection, 12-foot wide right and left turn lanes would be constructed along eastbound Covington Bypass. East of the intersection, a 12-foot wide right turn lane into the South Fork Chevron Gas Station would be constructed along eastbound Covington Bypass, and 12-foot wide right and left turn lanes would be constructed along westbound Covington Bypass. The existing ROW along Covington Bypass varies from 130 to 200 feet, and no additional ROW would be required along this roadway. The proposed typical section along Flat Shoals Road would consist of two 11 to 12 foot travel lanes (one in each direction) and a 10-foot (4-foot paved) rural outside shoulder and no median. The proposed typical section for both roadways in front of the gas station would include a 10-foot urban outside shoulder that includes 6-inch curb and gutter. South of the intersection, 12-foot wide right and left turn lanes would be constructed along northbound Flat Shoals Road. North of the intersection, 12-foot right and left hand turn lanes would be constructed along southbound Flat Shoals Road. The existing ROW along Flat Shoals Road varies from 70 feet to 80 feet, while the proposed ROW would vary from 80 to 90 feet.