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Review Supplement on Final Archaeological Test Operations and Laboratory Analysis of Materials from the Grove River Watershed Structures 33 and 51 and Sand Pumping Site, Structure 2, Jackson and Banks Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Following upon initial study and review of the University of Georgia survey report on the Grove River Watershed, A. R. Kelly visited sites in company with Charles Till, SCS geologist, and Richard Jefferies, Field. Director of the UGA survey. All sites which had primary impact from watershed construction and which were indicated to have indications of site potential received special attention on this occasion. In his review of the survey report, Kelly concluded that insufficient testing had not produced data on site collections and archeological context to justify the recommendations for mitigation or nomination of some sites to the National Register. During recent months, both the resource management (SCS in this instance) and the professional archeologists contracting for the surveys have been engaged in studying field, laboratory, and report procedures considered to provide more efficient and adequate guidelines to be employed in the specifications for contract archeology. It is generally agreed that surface collecting and minor testing do not provide adequate information in depth or critical area to indicate the size, dispersion of artifactual or cultural material, or the appraised diagnostic value of the collections and site notes for purposes of site study, interpretation, comparative treatment, or specific research design. Much of what has been presented in the recommendations for mitigation or preservation of the reported sites more properly should be embodied in the contract specifications for archeological survey. Improved guidelines, methodology and techniques in field, laboratory, survey reporting should result not only in more qualified survey, but should also be more economical in the final results, mutually satisfactory to the survey contractors and resource management and congruent with revised NEPA requirements and standards.