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Cultural Resource Effects Mitigation Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Project

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents the results of mitigative investigations at two prehistoric archeological sites, GP-FL-8 anad GP-FL-11, Floyd County, Georgia. Both sites were deemed significant in that they exhibited potential for surficial plowzone integrity and as such could contribute to an understanding of the prehistoric occupation and utilization of the study area. The investigations were conducted in response to plans by the Georgia Power Company for construction of the Rocky Mountain pumped storage hydroelectric generating facility. Project related facilities will consist of an upper reservoir located at the top of Rocky Mountain; a lower reservoir in the valley with three operating pools; a 675-megawatt power plant; and a variety of public recreation facilities. GP-FL-8 will be exposed to impacts associated with inundation of the lower operating pool and GP-FL-11 with facility construction.

The proposed Rocky Mountain Project is located in Floyd County, Georgia approximately 12.8 kilometers northwest of Rome. The project is situated in an area referred to as Texas Valley. It is bounded on the north by Simms Mountain and on the south by Lavender Mountain. Rocky Mountain divides Texas Valley into Big Texas Valley and Little Texas Valley (Figure 1).