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Statement of National Register Eligibility for Archaeological Site 9Ls(DOT)65, Laurens County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9Ls(DOT)65 was located on November 16, 2010 during an archaeological reevaluation survey for Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) project STP-0005-00(831) in Laurens County, Georgia (Figure 1 ). Since the previous surveys for this project in April 2006 & April 2010 (Patch 2006 & Gale 201 0), required right-of-way (ROW) has been added along SR 199 to allow for a new cul-de-sac. This necessitated an additional archaeological Phase I survey. The new ROW areas were subjected to systematic shovel tests spaced every 30m (approximately 100ft). This project is located just east of the city of East Dublin near the intersection of SR 199 and Oakwood Drive.