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Results of a Preliminary Archaeological Survey, Site of Burke County Comprehensive High School, Waynesboro, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In response to a request for assistance from Mr. William F. Christensen of Patchen, Mingledorff and Associates, Inc. (PM&A), an Augusta, Georgia engineering consultant firm, and after coordination with Mr. Thomas H. Eubanks, Assistant to the Georgia State Archaeologist, the Augusta Archaeological Society agreed to undertake a preliminary survey of the archaeological resources on property proposed for construction of a new Burke County Comprehensive High School, near Waynesboro, Georgia. The survey was accomplished on Saturday, February 19, 1977 by the following members of the Society: Paul Williams, Sr. ; C. Dan Cooksey; Ellen Schwarzbek; John Carr and George Lewis, accompanied by William Christensen, representing PM&A. The survey was designed to determine, within strict procedural limits, the location, description and apparent extent of any archaeological resources which might be present on the property. The results of this survey will be used as a , preliminary planning tool in development of the environmental assessment section of an amended application for Federal money, for construction of a new high school on the property, under the public works program. This survey is neither designed nor intended to substitute for a professional assessment of the resources, but rather, to serve as a preliminary assessment to hopefully aid in project development and materially assist with meeting the state review process requirements in an expeditious manner. Any conclusions drawn from the results of this survey should be viewed in proper perspective, with concurrence or nonconcurrence left to the professional discretion of responsible review officials.