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Lewis, George S.

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
1041 Crass, David C., Lewis, George S. Preliminary Excavations at the Woodrow Wilson Boyhood Home (9Ri432), Augusta, Georgia

Intensive archaeological testing and limited excavations of the Woodrow Wilson Boyhood Home (9RI432) in Augusta, Georgia from fall 1991-spring 1993 resulted in the discovery of significant intact deposits located under the attached servants' quarters associated with the early decades of home occu

Richmond 1993
4860 Lewis, George S. Results of a Preliminary Archaeological Survey, Site of Burke County Comprehensive High School, Waynesboro, Georgia

In response to a request for assistance from Mr. William F. Christensen of Patchen, Mingledorff and Associates, Inc. (PM&A), an Augusta, Georgia engineering consultant firm, and after coordination with Mr. Thomas H.

Burke 1977
9350 Lewis, George S. Fireside Subdivision, 22.91 acres North of Meadowbrook Drive, between Redd and Mutimer Drivers, South of Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia

On January 7, 1978, a preliminary survey of archaeological reconnaissance was completed at the fireside subdivision south of Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia. Fireside subdivision lies between Redd and Mutimer Drives.

Richmond 1978
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