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An Archaeological Reconnaisance of the Candler County Landfill Property

Report Number
Year of Publication

The artifactual material recovered from the Candler County Landfill property area proved to be very meager. Although all of the material recovered was definitely aboriginal, only one component can definitely be identified. This is based on the one Savannah Check Stamped sherd. Our feeling is that we are extremely hesitant to use the term "component" when only one fragment of pottery of that type was recovered. The chert recovered was primarily debitage, with none of the worked fragments revealing any diagnostic traits which would identify cultural affiliation. It should be noted that from the whole project area there were only 9 chipped stone artifact fragments and 65 chips. It is our recommendation that the archaeological site located during the course of this reconnaissance is not of enough significance to warrant mitigation. There does not appear to be any stratigraphic integrity to the site and the artifactual distribution is such that any sort of excavation program would not produce sufficient new information to justify the cost.