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Archaeological Survey of a Rerouted Section of the Proposed Moose Lodge Transmission Line, Carroll County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A one hundred (100%) percent coverage, archaeological survey of an alternate section of the proposed Moose Lodge Transmission Line corridor was conducted by Patrick H. Garrow of Garrow & Associates, Inc. on November 14, 1983. The purpose of that survey was to identify a corridor around archaeological site 124.4-1, which had been located and tested by Robert S. Webb (1983) of Claude Terry & Associates, Inc. during an earlier survey. The study area consists of a 75-foot (23 meter) wide corridor segment that extends for approximately 1,760 feet (536 meters). The study corridor straddles the Little Tallapoosa River, and both upland and floodplain sections were investigated on either side of the river. The survey failed to identify archaeological resources within the proposed alternate corridor which is located south and east of archaeological site 124.4-1. No further archaeological investigations are merited on that segment of the Moose Lodge Transmission Line, and the original report (Webb 1983) indicated that no significant or potentially significant archaeological remains were present within the remainder of the proposed Moose Lodge Transmission Line corridor as it is currently planned.