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Test Excavations at 9MA63, Middle Georgia Regional Landfill, Macon County

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents the results of test excavations at 9MA63, a prehistoric site located north of Montezuma in Macon County, Georgia. Work was conducted by Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) on behalf of Hodges, Harbin, Newberry, and Tribble, Inc., in order to assess the eligibility of the site for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.' The site contains a moderate amount of ceramic and, primarily, lithic material; the contents of excavation units reveal that artifact deposits are fairly homogeneous in terms both horizontal and vertical distribution. Diagnostic artifacts were few in number, but the Early Archaic and Woodland Periods are represented by projectile points and pottery, respectively, No subsurface features or distinct cultural strata were encountered. Based on the nature of the site and the artifacts recovered, as well as the limited potential for the site to contribute additional significant data, no further work at the site is recommended.