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The Cultural Resources of Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina and Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This study presents the findings resulting from archaeological and archival investigations of properties within the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Chatham County, Georgia and Jasper County, South Carolina. Archaeological field investigations involved only the Jasper County holdings; archival research included the entire refuge area. Fiscal Year 1978 construction plans for the Refuge include modification and alteration of the physical environment. In view of these plans, archaeological reconnaissance was required to identify cultural resources, locate previously unrecognized archaeological sites, and assess the significance of sites and the impact of planned construction.

A total of 36 sites were located on the Refuge. Save one, these sites are all located within the South Carolina holdings. In view of the present state of archaeological knowledge of the aboriginal and historic cultural developments in this area, most of these sites are considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Construction will endanger cultural resources. Endangered sites are specifically discussed.

Archival investigations were oriented at providing an overview of both aboriginal and historic cultural development. Additionally, indication of the site potential of areas not presently under archaeological consideration was planned. Documentary research was utilized to interpret field findings and suggest other avenues of investigation.