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An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Staging Area Within Fort Pulaski National Monument, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On June 7, 2002, staff archaeologists from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) conducted an archaeological survey of approximately 2.5 ha (6.19 acres) of land within the boundary of Fort Pulaski National Monument, Chatham County, Georgia. This survey was executed pursuant to the Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) of 1979, permit number FOPU-02-001, and in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended. As part of the proposed widening of US 80, GDOT is proposing to utilize a temporary easement from Fort Pulaski National Monument for the transfer and staging of fill material that will be removed from Bird/Long Island. Previous archaeological surveys have been completed for the proposed widening and wetland mitigation activities. Although construction plans have yet to be finalized, an approximate staging area has been identified adjacent to US 80 on McQueen's Island, roughly corresponding to a roadside parking area associated with the McQueen's Island Trail. With the exception of the McQueen's Island Trail, and its associated parking area and pedestrian access bridge, the rest of the project area is active marsh, with relatively thick vegetation. Systematic shovel testing, metal detecting, and probing failed to locate or identify any archaeological resources. Therefore, it is recommended that the proposed project proceed with no further archaeological work.