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Archeological Survey of the Proposed Upper Chattahoochee River Interceptor Extension, Gwinnettt County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Archeologists used intensive shovel testing to fully delineate the boundaries of previously recorded archeological site 9GW 112/209, which has been recommended as being eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. These boundaries were flagged in the field and then surveyed in by county surveyors to ensure that the site will be completely avoided by proposed sewer pipeline construction associated with the Upper Chattahoochee River Interceptor extension. In addition, about 1.4 km of proposed line beyond this site was archeologically investigated to locate other potentially significant sites. One badly disturbed, twentieth century house site (9GW450) was recorded, and we recommend that it is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Since site 9GW1 12/209 has been accurately delineated and will be avoided, and since no other potentially eligible sites were detected in the area of potential effect for the, proposed pipeline, we conclude that the project will have no adverse effects on significant cultural resources.