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Phase 1 Archaeological Survey of Cascade Road at Niskey Creek Culvert Replacement

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project involves replacement of the existing culvert located at the crossing of Cascade Road over Niskey Creek, and road repair associated with the replacement. The proposed project is located approximately 2 mites west of 1-285 on Cascade Road, immediately west of Wilson Mill Road. The existing concrete culvert spans approximately 12.5 feet and has a rise of about 9.5 feet. The total length of the culvert is approximately 70 feet. The proposed bottomless arch culvert would be 28 feet wide by 72 feet long and include wing walls at both ends. The proposed roadway work will match existing gutter to gutter width consisting of 15-foot travel lanes and a 10-foot merge lane from Cascade Knolls Drive. The proposed structure length will accommodate 5-foot sidewalks, complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), on both sides. The proposed typical section would match the existing curb and gutter on both ends. Approximately 0,08-acre of additional right-of-way would be required from the south side of Cascade Road, and approximately 0.03-acre of temporary easement would be required from the north side of Cascade Road.