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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the 760 Acre Tract Proposed for the Development of the Suwanee Water Reclamation Facility in Gwinnett County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report documents the results of the Phase I archaeological survey conducted to locate all cultural resources within the 760 acre site selected for the proposed Suwanee Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), Gwinnett County, Georgia. This research was conducted by Garrow & Associates, Inc. under contract with Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. The project area is situated entirely within the Gainesville Ridges District of the Piedmont physiographic province. Phase I field investigations were conducted between May 10 and May 13,1994. Two historic house sites, two prehistoric sites, a group of farmers rock piles, a bridge, and one isolated find were previously identified by Britt (1994, 1993) and were relocated and examined by a combined systematic pedestrian walkover and subsurface shovel testing program. As a result of the excavation of 24 shovel test pits, one additional site (site 3) was recorded. However, this site has been severely disturbed by recent logging activities and is restricted to surface materials. Both of the historic house sites do not appear to contain intact cultural deposits. Prehistoric site 1 was determined to be an eroded scatter of quartz debitage that does not contain intact cultural deposits or features. Site 2 is a prehistoric rockshelter with intact cultural strata that contain cultural materials associated with the Late Woodland period (ca. 500-1450 A.D.). Of the six archaeological sites and one isolated find recorded within the project area, only site 2 contains intact cultural deposits and is recommended for further investigation.