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Phase II Investigations at the Gregg Shoals-Clyde Gulley Group

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Gregg Shoals (9EB259) and Clyde Gulley (9EB387) sites (Fig. 1) were among the 490 archeological and historic sites recorded during the 1977 survey of the Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake project area (Taylor and Smith 1978: 203). Systematic auger testing conducted by Taylor (1979) at 9EB259 established the presence of cultural material at a depth of 2.20 m. Under the direction of Gardner and Barse (1980), Thunderbird Research Corporation (TRC) excavated several 1 x 1 m units to a depth of 1.10 m. The 1977 survey identified the presence cultural material (complicated stamped pottery and quartz flakes) in the northern end of the Clyde Gulley site (9EB387) to the south of Pickens Creek and the Gregg Shoals site. TRC also carried out limited at least one preceramic component in addition to the ceramic component contained in the plowzone.