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Tippitt, V. Ann

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
695 Tippitt, V. Ann, Marquardt, William H. The Gregg Shoals and Clyde Gully Sites

Archeological and geological investigations at two sites along the upper part of the Savannah River, Elbert County, Georgia are presented.

Elbert 1984
6202 Tippitt, V. Ann Archeological Incestigations at the Gregg Shoals-Clyde Gulley Group Elbery County, Georgia

The Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake Project on the Savannah River (U.S. Army Engineer District, Savannah District) involves the construction and operation of a multipurpose reservoir.

Cobb 2009
6204 Tippitt, V. Ann, Marquardt, William H. Phase II Investigations at the Gregg Shoals-Clyde Gulley Group

The Gregg Shoals (9EB259) and Clyde Gulley (9EB387) sites (Fig. 1) were among the 490 archeological and historic sites recorded during the 1977 survey of the Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake project area (Taylor and Smith 1978: 203).

DeKalb 2009
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