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Archeological Survey of Project NH-75-1(206) & CSNHS-006-00(073)

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project NH-75-1(206) includes the widening and reconstruction of 1-75 from four lanes (two lanes in each direction) to six lanes (three lanes in each direction) from just north of CR 246/Kinard Bridge Road interchange in Cook County to the Cook/Tift County line, a total of 3.79 mile. It also includes the reconstruction of the existing overpass bridge on Darden Road. Existing right-of-way would vary between 185 and 200 feet. This area was initially cleared for archaeological resources in 1999 and again in 2005 for reevaluations. The following change was made to the project design necessitating another reevaluation. The alignment of CR 202/Sugar Hill Road (side road off of CR 200/Darden Road) has been shifted slightly within the existing right-of-way. No additional right-of-way or easement is needed for this shift in alignment. Project CSNHS-0006-00(073) includes the widening and reconstruction of 1-75 from four lanes (two lanes in each direction) to six lanes (three lanes in each direction) from the Cook/Tift County line to just south of CR 204/Southwell Boulevard interchange, a total of 5.9 mile. It also includes the replacement of the existing overpass bridges on Adcock Road and Oak Ridge Road in Tift County. Existing right-of-way along the bridges to be replaced varies between 100 and 180 feet. Proposed right-of-way would vary between 185 and 200 feet. This area was initially cleared for archaeological resources in 1999 and again in 2005 for reevaluations. The following changes were made to the project design necessitating another reevaluation. A new driveway easement has been added on CR 185/Adcock Road from Station 8+42 to 13+20. All of right-of-way from Parcel 8 has been removed and converted to temporary easement along CR 82/Oak Ridge Road at Station 8+40. The required right-of-way has been reduced on Parcel 11 at Station 18+50 An archeological survey (Level II) was conducted in accordance with "GDOT/FHWA Cultural Resource Survey Guidelines" developed by the GDOT Staff Archeologists in consultation with DNR Historic Preservation Division Staff and concurred in by the Federal Highway Administration and State Historic Preservation Officer. These guidelines provide general survey boundaries and methodological approaches to archeological surveys based on the type/scope of work of proposed highway projects.