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Vera Alexander Advance Acquisition Tract Survey, Cook County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project consists of redesigning Exit 37 of 1-75 on C.R. 216 (Old Quitman Road). Although the reworking of 1-75 is in the initial planning phases, a tract adjacent to the exit is being considered for advance acquisition. The tract is located on the southern edge of Adel, Georgia, along C.R. 216 (Old Quitman Road), 270 m northeast of the 1-75 interchange. It is a level property adjacent to a pond, which occupies the southwest corner of the survey area. The tract is a polygon, encompassing 1.5 ha (3.7 acres). A closed convenience store with concrete pad and gas pumps occupies the southeast end of the tract. The land surface in this section has been built up. The land slopes down behind the store to a field. A pet cemetery, including three modern engraved headstones is located in the extreme northwest corner, adjacent to a trailer park. An archaeological survey (Level II) was conducted in accordance with "GDOT/FHWA Cultural Resource Survey Guidelines" developed by the GDOT Staff Archaeologists in consultation with DNR Historic Preservation Division Staff and concurred in by the Federal Highway Administration and State Historic Preservation Officer. These guidelines provide general survey boundaries and methodological approaches to archeological surveys based on the type/scope of work of proposed highway projects and are followed during the initial identification of archaeological resources. Limited shovel testing was conducted in the field behind the store. Four shovel tests were excavated in the portion that was potentially undisturbed. Tests were placed at a 30 m interval and all fill was sifted through 1/4 inch dry screen. Soils encountered were medium to light gray sand loam overlying light yellowish brown or light brownish yellow sand loam. A few surface exposures were available in the field, which were also examined. Neither the shovel tests or surface exposures yielded anything other than modern debris.