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I-75-2(51) and (58), Fulton-Clayton counties and I-85-1(65), Fulton County, Clearinghouse No. 75-10-27-01

Report Number
Year of Publication

1-75-2(51) & (58), Fulton-Clayton Counties - This project would involve widening of Interstate 75 from 1-285 north to Cleveland Avenue from 4 to 8 lanes, with the construction of an interchange at Central Avenue. Some extra right-of-way will be purchased. 1-85-1(65), Fulton County - This project would involve widening of Interstate 85 from Willingham Drive north to Cleveland Avenue. The study area extends north to 1-75 interchange and south to 1-285. Two lanes would be built within present right-of-way, probably within the median area. The sites files at Georgia State University had no sites recorded in the vicinity of either project. Neither project would involve bridge replacements. The proposed construction between Willingham Drive and Cleveland Avenue on 1-85 will be in the right-of-way which was graded upon initial construction. No archaeological sites could have survived. The construction on 1-75 between-I-285 and Cleveland Avenue will involve construction outside present right-of-way limits. However, this area has been heavily developed and any sites have long since been built over or graded away. In my opinion, the archaeological resources of the state will be unaffected by the construction of either Interstate improvement project.