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Cultural Resources Survey for the Proposed Glennville Wastewater Treatment Plant, Tattnall County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In April 1999, TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. (TRC), conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey of a 225-acre tract in Tattnall County, Georgia. The tract contains the proposed site of a wastewater treatment facility and construction wetlands. The survey included both archaeological and historic architecture investigations. Two sites, one historic (9TT76) and one prehistoric (9TT77), were located during the archaeological survey. Both sites are recommended ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion D. Based on this recommendation, no further archaeological work is required for these sites. Vehicular and pedestrian coverage of the project's Area of Potential Effects (APE) was undertaken to locate historic architectural resources. The architectural APE was defined as an area in which the proposed project would physically or visually affect any historic resources. The historic architecture survey identified one resource in the project's APE. HS-1, an abandoned 1948 front-gabled bungalow dwelling located on Pecan Road, is recommended ineligible for the NRHP due to loss of architectural integrity caused by alterations. Based on this recommendation, it appears that no further work is required for this resource.