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Phase II Historic Resources Survey Archaeological Testing of Site 9FU416 Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

From 16 to 19 December 2002, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted Phase II archaeological testing of site 9FU416 in Fulton County, Georgia. This site was recorded during a cultural resources survey in February 2002 of Metro-Atlanta watersheds, Peachtree and Nancy Creeks in Fulton and DeKalb Counties. The survey was conducted for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mobile District, by Brockington and Associates, Inc. (Will 2002). Site 9FU416 is located along the east side of Nancy Creek. It is a Middle Woodland period, Cartersville phase site. Site vegetation consisted of secondary growth pines and hardwoods and a low understory of briers and grasses. The cultural resources survey in 2002 determined the site was 120 meters (393 ft) east-west by 120 meters (393 ft) north-south. Three 2 by 2 meter (6 by 6ft) units were excavated during Phase II. The units were placed near the northwest, northeast, and southeast corners of the site. Stratigraphy shows a disturbance in the first I 0-15 em, most likely from the construction of the athletic fields east of the site. Stratigraphy is intact below the disturbance and the units averaged between 40 and 60 em (16-24 in) below the surface. The majority of the artifacts were recovered below the disturbance. Test Units 20 I (northeast corner of site) and 203 (southeast corner of site) both contained a sheet midden I 0-20 em ( 4-8 in) thick. Artifact density was high and both ceramics and lithics were recovered. At least two partial projectile points were recovered. Two features were identified and excavated. Investigations at site 9FU416 indicate that the site should be recommended eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The site contains significant intact subsurface cultural deposits including features. The potential for additional intact subsurface cultural deposits at site 9FU416 is high. Site 9FU416 has the potential to address research questions regarding Woodland period culture in the metro-Atlanta region. Phase III data recovery is recommended.