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Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of the South Acworth 115/25 kV Substation Cobb County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia Transmission Corporation (GTC) proposes to construct the South Acworth 115/25 kV Substation next to an existing substation in South Acworth, Cobb County, Georgia. Greenhome & O'Mara, Inc. (G&O) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) in order to document the presence or absence of potentially significant archaeological resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The survey consisted a literature and records search, intensive field survey of the project area, data analysis, and report preparation. The project area consisted of a parcel of approximately 12 acres of land with a stream and associated wetlands running diagonally through it from the southeast comer to the northwest comer. The land appears to have been in agriculture use at some point in the past and is highly eroded. Currently ground cover consists of secondary growth subsequent to recent logging. A number of dirt trails/logging roads crisscross the project area providing excellent surface visibility, which in some cases was better than 50 percent. Background research failed to indicate any previously recorded prehistoric cultural resources within the project area. In addition no historic occupation of the project area was noted. The project area was considered to have moderate to high potential for prehistoric archaeological resources based on environmental considerations. However, historic archaeological potential was considered low. The surface inspection of the project area failed to reveal any artifacts (other than fairly recent debris such as bottle glass) or other evidence of archaeological resources such as topographic anomalies. The excavation of 16 shovel test units revealed a soil profile consisting mainly of a thin humic A horizon layer over clay subsoil. No artifacts were recovered from any of the shovel test units. No potentially significant archaeological resources were identified during this survey, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended within the project area. It is concluded that the proposed construction of the South Acworth 115/25 k V substation will have no effect on significant archaeological resources.