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Archaeological survey of the proposed Joyland sewer separation, Three Rivers project, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Earth Systems Division of SSI is pleased to submit this final archaeological survey report for the proposed Joyland Sewer Separation, Fulton County, Georgia. The report which follows contains a detailed account of the survey, conclusions and recommendations based on our findings. A survey of archival sources revealed that the study area has been heavily impacted since the 1930's. The historical research indicated that no events of historical significance are known to have taken place within the study area. None of the structures on or near the survey route meet the minimal requirements for nomination to the National Register of Historical Places. The archaeological survey was conducted primarily as a pedestrian survey since the study area is an industrial and commercial center. Subsurface tests were utilized in one small area where the ground has not been disturbed or covered by construction. The archaeological survey did not identify any prehistoric or historic resources within the study area. It is therefore recommended that archaeological clearance be given to this project.