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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Bridge Replacement on SR 47 at Big Brier Creek, Jefferson and McDuffie Coutnies, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A Phase I archaeology survey was conducted by GDOT archaeologists for a proposed bridge replacement on State Route (SR) 47 over Big Brier Creek in Jefferson and McDuffie Counties, Georgia [Project CSBRG-0007-00(041), P.I. No. 00070411. This survey involved pedestrian survey and shovel testing, leading to the identification of cultural resources within the proposed project's Area of Potential Effect (APE). This area was defined as including all portions of existing and required right-of-way as well as the addition of a 100-ft. wide expanded survey corridor, for a length of 3,500 feet. Background research for the proposed project revealed two previously recorded sites within the project area. These sites were recorded during surveys done for the Fort Gordon Military Reservation property, which lies east of SR 47. Sites identified in the eastern portion of the corridor include 9MF102, a prehistoric and historic scatter located north of Big Brier Creek and recommended eligible for the NRHP, and 9JF31, a prehistoric lithic and historic scatter located south of Big Brier Creek and of unknown eligibility for the NRHP. Fieldwork for this project was accomplished during March of 201 1 and focused on resource identification for the western part of the corridor. This survey identified no archaeological sites eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) but did record one isolated find on the surface of a previously highly disturbed landform. It is recommended that these previously recorded sites be tested if there will be activities planned for this eastern portion of the corridor within these site areas; however, no further archaeological work is recommended for the western portion of the corridor.