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In August of 2012, Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) conducted Phase II level archaeological testing at two sites that were recommended for further work at the TerraPointe/Belfast Commerce Centre, on behalf of TerraPointe Services Inc. TerraPointe Services Inc. has plans for a commercial center on the property that will include impacts such as excavation, grading and filling. The goal of this investigation was to assess the significance and potential eligibility of two sites previously recorded during an intensive cultural resource assessment survey of the tract for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) as mandated by federal laws and guidelines (Code of Federal Regulations [CFR], Title 36, Chapter VIII, Part 800 [36 CFR 800]). The ESI field investigation consisted of discriminately placed delineation shovel tests excavated at 10 and 20 meter intervals between the existing Phase I shovel tests. Shovel tests measured 30 cm in diameter and were excavated to at least 80 cmbs or sterile subsoil. All soil was screened using ¼ inch hardware mesh. In addition, 10 square meters were hand excavated across the two sites to assist in the site evaluation process. 9BN1469 produced evidence of a late-18th to mid-19th century occupation related to domestic use. The low artifact density and limited structural remains suggest that the site has undergone heavy disturbance over the centuries and has little physical integrity. 9BN1479 shows occupations dating to the Middle to Late Woodland and Middle Mississippian Periods. The low artifact density and lack of cultural features suggest little potential to produce significant archaeological information about the prehistoric use of the area.