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State Route 166/Duncan Memorial Highway and State Route 92/State Route 154 Intersection Improvements, Douglas County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Implementation of the proposed project would result in a finding of No Adverse Effect for archaeological site 9DO2. No right-of-way or easements would be required from within the site’s National Register eligible boundary as all construction work would occur outside this limit. In addition, no ground-disturbing activity would take place beyond the surveyed APE of the project. In order to further protect the site, an environmentally sensitive area (ESA) will be designated by erecting orange barrier fencing along the eastern and western edges of the APE along the entire length of site 9DO2. Therefore, because project implementation would not destroy or disturb any known archaeological features that contribute to site information potential and significance, a finding of No Adverse Effect for the 9DO2 has been determined.