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Bridge Replacement along SR 230 over Turkey Creek

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would replace and widen the existing structurally deficient bridge along SR 230 over Turkey Creek near the city of Unadilla, Georgia. The project begins at Mile Post 15.13 and extends to Mile Post 15.27, a distance of approximately 0.14 mile in length. The existing typical section consists of two 10.5 foot lanes with 4 foot shoulders (2 foot paved and 2 foot grassed) and measures 90 feet by 26 feet. The existing right-of-way is approximately 80 feet. The proposed typical section would consist of two 12 foot travel lanes with 10 foot shoulders (2 foot paved and 8 foot grassed). The proposed bridge would measure 100 feet by 38 feet and the proposed right-of-way would vary from 80 to 120 feet (40-60 feet on either side of centerline).