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esearch Design and Data Recovery Plan For Archaeological Data Recovery at 9FL174, BRST-13676(4), PI 642405 Task Order 71

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Southern Research, Historic Preservation Consultants, Inc. presents its understanding and approach in this Research Design and Archaeological Data Recovery Plan for site 9Fh74. We have carefully examined the Survey and Testing Report prepared by Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc (SAS) (Robert Patton 2005). In preparation for this Research Design, we plotted shovel test data on the site plan presented in the SAS report. Through further analysis of the data, we were able to observe patterns of artifact distribution on the site. We also studied the stratigraphic relationships from the test unit data by plotting the vertical distribution of artifacts. This analysis provides a more thorough picture of how site 9Fl174 is actually laid out allowing for a clearer approach to the task of data recovery.