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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Streetscape Improvements, S. West Street Between Shotwell and Broughton Streets City of Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia Department of Transportation plans to improve the streetscape of S. West Street in Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia, between Shotwell and Broughton streets (Project No. CSHPP-0007-00[608], PI No. 0007608). New South Associates, Inc., has completed a Phase I archaeological survey of proposed project, which covered approximately 1.0 hectare (2.5 acres). This report describes the archaeological survey and presents recommendations concerning further preservation work. A historic structures survey for this project was reported separately. Historically the project area included commercial and residential buildings, most of which were demolished and replaced in the twentieth century, while others were modified for modern use. None of the structures in the project area were included in the Bainbridge Downtown Commercial Historic District, a National Register of Historic Places-listed property whose boundaries included the project area.

Fieldwork indicated extensive disturbance from historic and modern urban land use. Conditions in the project area prevented extensive shovel testing and tests placed in judgmental locations produced artifacts from disturbed strata. One find spot was designated Site 9DR218, which represents disturbed archaeological materials associated with a historic structure. Further testing to clarify their context would probably be inconclusive because of the extremely small areas available to examine and the prior construction disturbance in the right-of-way. However, the existing right of way has a low potential for intact deposits owing to disturbance. Further, the portion of site 9DR218 inside the ROW is disturbed and the project would have no effect on it. Therefore, no further preservation of this site is recommended.