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Cultural Resources Survey for the Royal Lakes Project Tract, Hall County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On March 5th through 6th, 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the Royal Lakes Property, in Hall County, Georgia. The survey tract consisted of approximately 21.5 acres situated about 3.2 km (2 miles) southwest of the Gainesville, Georgia. This investigation was carried out for Register Nelson, Inc. and was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, and 36 CPR Part 800, by personnel qualified under 36 CPR Part 61, Appendix A.

Background research found no previously recorded archaeological sites nor historic resources within a 1.6 km (1 mile) radius of the project tract. During the fieldwork 83 screened shovel tests were spaced at 30 meter (100ft) intervals along 13 transects placed throughout the tract according to landforms, wetlands, and disturbance patterns. A visual inspection of all exposed ground surfaces was also conducted. No archaeological sites or isolated finds were encountered. No standing structures or other historical resources exceeding the 50 year age minimum were encountered. We recommend that no additional cultural resources investigations need be carried out at this locality.