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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Intersection Improvements for SR 8/US 78/Bankhead Highway at Report Title: CR 268/Mann Road/Mason Creek Road and CR 808/Post Road, Douglas County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would improve the intersections of SR 8/US 78/Bankhead Highway with CR 268/Mann Road and Mason Creek Road, CR 250/Conners Road, and CR 808/Post Road and the intersection of Post Road and Mason Creek Road in the Winston community of Douglas County, Georgia. The proposed project would improve the intersection of Bankhead Highway with Mann Road and Mason Creek Road by adding a traffic signal, left-turn lanes in all four directions, and right-turn lanes on Bankhead Highway and Mason Creek Road. Pedestrian facilities at the intersection are intended to provide pedestrians with improved crossings of travel lanes and accessibility to the business in the intersection's southwest corner.

The overlapping roadway network within the Winston community would be consolidated into a single through east-west route (Bankhead Highway) and north-south route (Mann Road to the northern portion of Mason Creek Road and to the southern portion of Post Road) that converges at the improved, signalized intersection and eliminates conflict points at other locations. The northern portion of Conners Road would be realigned from crossing Bankhead Highway at a substandard intersection skew to terminate directly into Bankhead Highway at a perpendicular angle. This resulting new intersection would also have a westbound right-turn lane on Bankhead Highway. The portion of Conners Road south of Bankhead Highway to Mattie McCoy Lane would be eliminated. Post Road from the south end of the project would be realigned to tie directly into the northern portion of Mason Creek Road. The southern remnant of Mason Creek Road would be rearranged to intersect perpendicularly into the realigned Post Road/Mason Creek Road. This realignment included with Mann Road would create a continuous north-south through route for motorists leading to the Interstate 20 interchange on Post Road south of the project. The northern portion of Mason Creek Road would also have urban border areas placed along both sides and a two-way left-turn lane. The northern remnant of Post Road would be terminated with a cul-de-sac on its southern end while its intersection with Bankhead Highway would be reconfigured to be right in/right out.

On Bankhead Highway, the project would begin approximately 550 feet west of Conners Road and would end approximately 515 feet east of Post Road. North of Bankhead Highway, the project limits would extend approximately 660 feet on Conners Road and 730 feet on Mann Road. South of Bankhead Highway, the project limits would extend approximately 1,280 feet on Mason Creek Road and Post Road. The project limits would extend approximately 275 feet west of Conners Road on Mattie McCoy Lane. The total project length is approximately 1.13 miles.

In the existing condition within the project area, Bankhead Highway consists of one 12-foot travel lane in each direction, with 8-foot shoulders (2 feet paved) within 80 feet of right-of-way (ROW). Mann Road consists of one 11-foot travel lane in each direction within 40 feet of ROW. Mason Creek Road consists of one 10-foot to 11-foot travel lane in each direction within 40 to 55 feet of ROW. Conners Road consists of one 10-foot travel lane in each direction within 35 to 60 feet of ROW. Post Road consists of one 11 -foot travel lane in each direction within 80 feet of ROW. Mattie McCoy Lane consists of one 10- foot travel lane in each direction within 40 feet of ROW. There are no existing turn lanes in the project area. All of the roadways in the project area have minimal shoulders with the exception of Bankhead Highway.

The proposed typical sections within the project limits for Bankhead Highway would consist of one 12- foot travel lane in each direction and 12-foot turn lanes, with I 0-foot rural shoulders (including a 6.5-foot paved shoulder) or 1 0-foot urban border area (with 30-inch curb and gutter) within variable ROW up to approximately 190 feet in width. Mann Road would consist of one 12-foot travel lane in each direction and 12-foot turn lanes, with 10-foot shoulders (4 feet paved) within variable ROW up to approximately 160 feet in width. Mason Creek Road would consist of one 12-foot travel lane in each direction and 12- foot turn lanes, with 8-foot shoulders (2 feet paved) south of Post Road and 1 0-foot urban border areas with curb and gutter and 5-foot sidewalks north of Post Road, within variable ROW up to approximately 175 feet in width. Conners Road would consist of one 12-foot travel lane in each direction, with 8-foot shoulders (2 feet paved), within variable ROW up to approximately 140 feet in width. Post Road would consist of one 12-foot travel lane in each direction and 12-foot turn lanes, with 10-foot shoulders (4 feet paved) within variable ROW up to approximately 165 feet in width. Mattie McCoy Lane would consist of one 12-foot travel lane in each direction with 8-foot shoulders (2 feet paved) within 70 feet of ROW.