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Addendum to the Phase I Archaeological SUIV8y of Jimmy carter Boulevard and Singleton Road Intersection Improvements, Gwinnett County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project consists of approximately 0.32 miles of pedestrian improvements and widening along Jimmy Carter Boulevard (milepost 2.60 to milepost 2.92) and approximately 0.15 miles of pedestrian improvements and widening along Singleton Road and South Norcross-Tucker Road. The proposed design improvements include a number of pedestrian safety features including construction of sidewalks along the east side of Jimmy Carter Boulevard (north of the intersection) and the north side of Singleton Road (east of the intersection) to create continuous sidewalk routes. A pedestrian crosswalk across the south approach of Jimmy Carter Boulevard would be constructed resulting in crosswalks across all four of the intersection's approaches. The project would include pedestrian refuge islands and curb ramps at crosswalks that 'direct' pedestrians into the crosswalk and large crosswalk ramp landings. Additionally, the project includes installation of countdown pedestrian signal heads for all crosswalks.

The proposed dedicated right-turn lane on the westbound Singleton Road approach will be removed. The project termini and overall project length will remain the same. This revision was implemented to avoid displacement to an adjacent commercial property. ROW limits along Jimmy Carter Boulevard would remain varied between 115 and 147 feet. The proposed ROW along Singleton Road/South Norcross Tucker Road would remain varied between 100 and 120 feet. Total area of ROW and easements is 1.12 acres ( 48,283 square feet).