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Reevaluation of SR 85 ALT over CSX Railroad in Warm Springs GDOT Project No. BRST0-0074-01(051) P.l. No. 333813 GA SHPO HP No. 000614-005 Meriwether County, GA

Report Number
Year of Publication

The 2011 reevaluation completed by EPEI is the second reevaluation performed for this project. The original survey was completed in 2003 by Southeastern Archeological Services (Patton 2003). The first reevaluation was completed by EPEI in 2007 following changes to the proposed project and an Addendum Short form Report was prepared (Silliman 2007). Additional minor changes to the proposed project prompted this second reevaluation. The survey area for this second reevaluation consists of four small areas on the west side of SR 85 AL T that were not included in Patton's 2003 survey or Silliman's 2007 survey; three north of the CSX railroad, and one to the south (see Figure 2). The original project description is included below and is followed by descriptions for all subsequent reevaluations up to and including the current 2011 reevaluation.