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Phase I Archaeological Survey for SR 52()/US 82 and County Line Road Intersection Improvements. Dougherty County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would improve the intersection of SR 520/US 82, South County Line Road, and North County Line Road within the unincorporated Acree community in Dougherty County, Georgia. The proposed project would extend approximately 1,050 feet west and 1,050 feet east of the intersection on SR 520/US 82, approximately 800 feet south of the intersection on South County Line Road, approximately 750 feet north of the intersection on North County Line Road, approximately 250 feet north of SR 520/US 82 on Old County Line Road,. Approximately 160 feet east of County Line Road on Railroad Street, and approximately 150 feet east of County Line Road on Acree Avenue. The total project length would be approximately 4,210 feet (0.80 mile).

The existing SR 520/US 82 consists of four 12-foot travel lanes, two in each direction, with a 64- foot depressed median. SR 520/US 82 is posted as 55 miles per hour {mph) speed limit and Is currently an uncontrolled movement with opposing left turn lanes at the intersection. South County Line Road and North County Line Road consist of two 12-foot travel lanes, one in each direction, and is also posted as 55 mph speed limit. Both South County Line Road and North County Line Road approaches to SR 520/US 82 are stop controlled. The existing right-of-way (ROW) width is approximately 240 feet on SR 520/US 82, varies between approximately 80 feet and 100 feet on South County Line Road and North County Line Road, and is approximately 30 feet on Old County Line Road, Railroad Street and Acree Avenue are within the CSX/Georgia and Florida Railway (former Brunswick and Albany Railroad) ROW.

The proposed project would install a traffic signal at the intersection of SR 520/US 82, South County Line Road, and North County Line Road. The existing median on SR 520/US 82 would be reconstructed as a Type B median, separating the left turn lanes from the through travel lanes. Right turn lanes would be provided on SR 520/US 82 onto South County Line Road and North County Line Road. Left tum lanes would be installed on both South County Line Road and North County Line Road. The South County Line Road approach would be slightly realigned through the intersection with a horizontal curve to create a seamless through movement between these approaches. This realignment would also correct the substandard intersection skew that is present between the northbound approach and SR 520/US 82. Additional ROW up to approximately 40 feet in width would be required along the north and south sides of SR 520/US 82 for a maximum required ROW width of approximately 280 feet. Additional ROW up to approximately 50 feet in width would be required along the east and west sides of South County Line Road and North County Line Road for a maximum required ROW width of approximately 170 feet. Additional ROW approximately 30 feet in width would be required along the east and west sides of Old County Line Road for a maximum required ROW width of approximately 90 feet. Permanent easement up to approximately 260 feet in width Would be required within the CSX/Georgia and Florida Railway (former Brunswick and Albany Railroad) ROW.