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Reevaluation for the Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Skip Spann Connector, Cobb County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project consists of the addition of approximately 0.5 mile of new connector roadway (hereafter referred to as the Skip Spann Connector) over Interstate 75 (1-75) between Frey Road and Busbee Drive, approximately 1,140 feet north of the Chastain Road bridge over I- 75 in Cobb County, Georgia. Approximately 1,120 feet of Townpark Lane at its existing intersection with Busbee Drive would be relocated northward to form a new roundabout intersection with Busbee Drive, and the proposed Skip Spann Connector would be constructed from this new roundabout intersection westward onto a new location, over I-75, terminating at a new intersection with Frey Road at the KSU parking deck (at a relocated parking deck entrance). The proposed typical section of the Skip Spann Connector would consist of four 12-foot travel lanes (two in each direction), a 16-foot, raised, concrete median, 12-foot right- and left-tum lanes at Frey Road and Busbee Drive, 4-foot bike lanes, and a 15-foot pedestrian friendly sidewalk (including 11 .5 feet of useable sidewalk area and 3.5 feet of planter space). The proposed ROW along the new Skip Spann Connector would be approximately 103 feet. The proposed typical section of the relocated portion of Townpark Lane would have two 12-foot travel lanes (one in each direction), a 12-foot center left-tum lane, and 12-foot shoulders consisting of 5-foot sidewalks, 2-foot grass strip, and 30-inch curb and gutter. The proposed ROW along the relocated portion ofTownpark Lane would be 60 feet.