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Archaeological Survey Braselton Industrial Park, Braselton, Georgia, Our Project Number ES-899

Report Number
Year of Publication

The purpose of this project was to conduct an archaeological survey of the proposed Braselton Industrial Park property. This survey was conducted at the request of McCrary Engineering

Corp, and the field work was begun on September 28, 1977. A two man survey crew required a total of three days to complete the field survey.

The project contract required that a literature and records search be conducted in order to determine the nature and extent of known historical and archaeological resources in the project vicinity. The background research was conducted at the Braselton Library and at the Jackson County Courthouse in Jefferson, Georgia. The results of this research will be reported in detail in Chapters II and III.

The archaeological survey involved the surface reconnaissance and subsurface testing within the impact area to ascertain the presence of archaeological remains. The methodology employed and the results achieved in the study area will be described in Chapter IV.