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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Spectator Areas for the 1996 Olympic Rowing and Canoeing Venues, Big Haynes Reservoir, Rockdale County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report documents the Phase I cultural resources survey investigations conducted in the proposed spectator areas for the 1996 Olympic Rowing and Canoeing venues at Big Haynes reservoir, Rockdale County, Georgia. The field survey was conducted by Garrow & Associates, Inc. for EBASCO Services Incorporated from September 8 through September 10, 1993.

Two tracts of land designated as Area A and Area B, which included portions of Black Shoals and John Day roads, were investigated in order to identify intact cultural deposits that may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The cultural resources survey identified two previously undocumented prehistoric aboriginal sites, three surface lithic scatters, two surface historical artifact scatters, and the foundation and well remains of a late nineteenth-century house.

None of the prehistoric sites were determined to be potentially eligible for inclusion on the NRHP since they do not meet any of the four criteria established by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. One historical site is recommended for further investigation since it may have the potential to meet criteria D and possibly criteria B. This additional investigation should include a literature and records search of this house site.