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Proposal for an Open Ended Cultural Resources Contract for Fulton County, Georgia, Our Proposal Number 1225-ES

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Earth Systems Division of SSI is pleased to submit this proposal to perform the above referenced services for Fulton County. The proposal which follows describes our understanding of, and approach to this project, and discusses the fees which will apply.

It is our understanding that this contract wil1 apply only to unincorporated portions of Fulton County, Georgia. That area encompasses some 209,280 acres, and excludes all of the incorporated cities within the county.

The purpose of this contract will be to provide professional cultural resources consulting services to the Fulton County Department of Planning for the contract year. Among the services to be provided will be review of rezoning requests, Special Use Permits, Subdivision and Final Plats, and projects submitted for Metro River Review, A-95 Review, A-85 Review, Corps of Engineers Permit Requests, and EPA Permit Requests. Cultural Assessments will be provided for non-Federal projects, and review of Cultural Assessments prepared for Federal projects will be included under the A-95 process. Preparation of a Cultural Assessment will involve review of site files and brief site visits, with a letter prepared stating the conclusions reached. The format for that letter report is carefully outlined in the scope of work.