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Cultural Resource Survey of an Approximatley 40-Acre Parcel Located East of the Intersection of I-985 and Sprout Springs Road Flowery Branch, Hall County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A Cultural Resource Survey was conducted on behalf of a Halvorsen Development Corporation on an approximately 40-acre parcel located east of the intersection of I-985 on Sprout Springs Road and west of Porter Road was of Flowery Branch in Hall County, Georgia. Terracon has completed a Cultural Resources Survey for the above referenced project. This survey consisted of consulting records held at the Georgia State Archaeological Site Files and the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office as well as the National Register of Historic Places web page. In addition, Terracon conducted a visual reconnaissance and a standing structure survey.

No known NRHP-eligible archaeological sites are located on the subject site or adjacent to it. No known NRHP-eligible historic resources were identified on the subject site or adjacent to it. No NRHP-eligible archaeological or historic resources were found on the subject site or adjacent to it during the Terracon site reconnaissance. Therefore, the proposed retail center will not have an effect on known archaeological or historical resources eligible for the NRHP.

Halvorsen Development Corporation should be advised that, as per the scope of work, Terracon did not conduct a systematic pedestrian survey of the subject site, nor did it conduct any subsurface excavations to check for archaeological remains. However, should archaeological remains be discovered in the course of staging and ground disturbing activities, Terracon advises that work in the affected area(s) cease and that a qualified archaeologist be consulted.

We understand that this project is a private undertaking and is, therefore, exempt from formal Section 106 consultation requirements. Based on this understanding and results of our findings, no effect to NRHP-eligible historic or archaeological resources is anticipated at this time.