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Phase II Archaeological Testing of Sites 9GO261, 9GO305, and 9GO336

Report Number
Year of Publication

Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company, LLC (Transco) is seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) pursuant to Section 7 (c) of the Natural Gas Act for the construction and operation of a 111.7-mile natural gas pipeline (the Project) in northwestern Georgia. An initial report of archaeological survey for the Project was submitted to the Georgia Historic Preservation Division (HPD Project # HP-140603-005) and filed with Transco’s FERC application in March 2015 (FERC Docket No. CP15-117-000).

The Project consists of a new lateral pipeline, the Dalton Lateral, beginning at Transco’s Compressor Station 115 in Coweta County, and ending near Dalton, Georgia (Figure 1). The line would extend through eight counties in northwest Georgia to Murray County. As detailed below, the Project will consist of 111.7 miles of new natural gas pipeline in three continuous segments (Dalton Lateral Segments 1, 2, and 3) and a new 2.0-mile natural gas lateral pipeline spur (the AGL Spur). A new compressor station and three new meter stations also will be constructed, and modifications and supplemental odorization equipment will be installed at existing facilities as part of the Project.