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Archival Research, Remote Sensing, and Diver Investigations, Riverwalk Project Savannah Harbor, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In January and February 1995, Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI) of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, conducted Phase I submerged cultural resource investigations along a portion of the Savannah River relative to a proposed extension of the Savannah Riverwalk. The project area was located on the south side of the Savannah River, adjacent to the Savannah City waterfront, and between the Marriott Hotel and the tugboat wharf of the Turecamo of Savannah, Inc., marine towing company.

A remote sensing survey was conducted over an area in excess of 900 feet by 150 feet. This remote sensing survey included the use of sidescan sonar, magnetometer, and sub-bottom profiler employed with high-accuracy navigation and positioning. The remote sensing survey was conducted during a period of high tide and included river bottom from the south toe of the authorized navigation channel to the high-water mark.

A shoreline and diving investigation was conducted between the high-water mark and a horizontal distance in excess of 20 feet offshore of the mean low-water mark. The diving investigation was conducted from shore using a commercial grade Surface Supply Air System in strict accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers "Safety and Health Requirements Manual."

This Phase I submerged cultural resource remote sensing and diver investigation was conducted under contract to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, pursuant to a Scope of Work dated January 12, 1995 and amended January 27, 1995. Fieldwork commenced on January 23, 1995 and was completed February 3, 1995. This archaeological investigation found no evidence of potentially significant submerged cultural resources within the proposed Savannah Riverwalk extension impact area. It has been recommended that further underwater archaeological investigations will not be necessary for the proposed riverwalk extension.