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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Spaceport Camden, Camden County, Georgia

Report Number
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A Phase 1 archaeological survey of the proposed location of Spaceport Camden in Camden County, Georgia, was completed by archaeologists from Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc., in August and October, 2016. Plans call for the construction of a commercial launch and recovery facility on two large, adjacent tracts of formerly industrial property. The project area was located on property owned by Dow Chemical along Todd Creek and Floyd Creek in northeastern Camden County. A total of 36.1 ha (89.1 acres) were surveyed in four specific areas planned for construction, and along approximately 8.4 km (5.2 mi) of connecting roadway.

Shovel testing within the survey areas included the excavation of 957 shovel tests, of which 57 produced artifacts. In all, 117 artifacts were recovered, including prehistoric pottery, lithics, and a single historic artifact. Three isolated finds (IFs) were recorded, along with two previously unrecorded archaeological sites, Sites 9CM570 and 9CM57 1. The boundaries of two previously recorded archaeological sites, Sites 9CM30 and 9CM64, were expanded, as well. The IFs consisted of one piece of ferrous metal, one chert flake, and one chalcedony flake.

Sites 9CM30 and 9CM64 were originally recorded during a survey of the property in the 1970s. Both sites were located in the area intended for the Vertical Launch Facility survey area. Shovel testing expanded the boundaries of both sites and provided an artifact sample for each. Both sites consisted of a scatter of prehistoric pottery associated with shell middens. Site 9CM30 included sherds identified as Savannah types associated with the St. Johns II phase of the Mississippian period. Site 9CM64 produced sherds identified as Deptford and Swift Creek (Woodland period), and St. Mary's pottery (Mississippian). Artifacts were recovered from apparently intact soils and shell midden at both sites. As such, both sites are considered to be potentially eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). If construction will occur and the sites cannot be avoided, then Phase II National Register eligibility testing will be required. If the sites are determined to be eligible for inclusion on the NRHP, then Phase III archaeological data recovery will be required, if the sites cannot be avoided by the proposed construction.

Sites 9CM570 and 9CM571 were recorded as a result of shovel testing during the current survey. Both were located within the Vertical Launch Facility survey area near Sites 9CM30 and 9CM64. Site 9CM570 produced Deptford pottery and was likely occupied during the Woodland period. Site 9CM571 produced Swift Creek pottery, a type associated with slightly later Woodland occupations. Artifacts were recovered from intact shell middens or soil zones at both sites. These sites are considered to be potentially eligible for inclusion in the NRHP. If construction will occur and the sites cannot be avoided, then Phase II National Register eligibility testing will be required. If the sites are determined to be eligible for inclusion on the NRHP, then Phase III archaeological data recovery will be required, if the sites cannot be avoided by the proposed construction.