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Georgia Transmission Corporation Historic Resources Survey Box Springs 230/25 kV Substation Talbot County, Georgia / Project Number P79136

Report Number
Year of Publication


Scope of Work:

The Box Springs Historic Resources Survey documents historic resources within the project boundaries identified on the Project Boundary and Map of Resources Surveyed. The general vicinity study area is located east of the city of Columbus in Talbot County, Georgia.


Project Goals:

The goal of this project is to complete a Historic Resources Survey within the project boundaries in order to determine whether any historic resources present are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Resources that appear to be more than 50 years old have been identified on the map and photographed. The consultant has made a preliminary determination as to whether or not the existing historic resources are potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. This report will be used as a planning tool by Georgia Transmission Corporation to select a Substation site with the least adverse effect on historic resources.


Contents of this Report:

This report contains a Project Location Map, which identifies the general location of the study area, and a Project Boundary and Map of Resources Surveyed, which identifies the project boundaries on a USGS Quadrangle map. Numbers on this second map are keyed to survey forms on each resource. This is followed by 44 Box Springs Name Historic Resources Survey forms. Each form contains a photograph of the resource, a description of its site, the approximate date of construction, an architectural description, and an assessment of its National Register eligibility.