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Addendum Survey to the Phase I for the Bridge Replacement on CR 248/0 Street at Palmetto Creek, Harris County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project involves the replacement of the existing bridge with an 80 foot (ft) long by 26.5ft wide pre-stressed concrete box beam bridge. The total project length is 0.154 mile and the proposed bridge will be located on existing alignment; therefore, no right-of-way (ROW) or easement would be required. Existing ROW is 60 feet.

Area of Potential Effect: This project was originally surveyed under the Low Impact Bridge Program (LIBP), and the LIBP stipulates that for projects included in the program, the APE will extend along the roadway for 300 feet from either end of the existing bridge, and then SO feet in width on either side of the road's centerline, or to the width of the existing ROW, whichever is larger. The LIBP program waives the requirement for an ESC. The original APE then was 650 feet in length and 100 feet wide. This addendum considers the new APE to be approximately 813 feet in length {0.1S4 mile) and 100 feet wide (SO ft. from centerline on either side). The addendum APE then included an approximate additional 7S feet on either end of the project.