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Cultural Resource Survey of the Rinker-Macon Quarry West Tract, Jones County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

From March 26 through March 28, 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Rinker-Macon Quarry West Tract in Jones County, Georgia (Figure 1 ). This survey was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended) and Section 404 of the National Clean Water Act. The tract consists of approximately 40 acres ( 16 hectares) and is presently undeveloped. The survey was conducted to determine if cultural resources are located within or near the project tract. This project was conducted in preparation for the expansion of the existing Rinker-Macon Quarry located west of the project tract.     Our archival research revealed that there are no previously recorded cultural resources within the project tract. This includes NRHP eligible, nominated, or listed buildings, structures, objects, cemeteries, or archaeological sites. There are also no previously recorded archaeological sites located within 0.5 mile of the project tract. However, there are three previously recorded architectural resources located within the project Area of Potential Effects (APE). These resources (J0-58, J0-60, and J0-61) were recorded in 1988 and 1989 as part of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Jones County Survey (Figure 2; Table 1). These resources are recommended eligible for the NRHP.     The cultural resources field survey identified one previously unrecorded archaeological site within the project tract. Site 9J0297 is an undiagnostic prehistoric lithic scatter. The present investigation also identified three previously unrecorded historic buildings within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) of the project tract (JO-RM-1, JO-RM-2, and JO-RM-3). These resources are recommended not eligible for the NRHP. In addition, one abandoned historic railroad corridor section (JO-RM-4, the Macon & Augusta/Georgia Railroad Corridor) is located within the project tract. However, this resource is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. A second historic railroad corridor (JO-RM-5, the Covington & Macon Railroad corridor [now the Norfolk-Southern Railroad]) is located outside the northeastern boundary of the tract (Table 1; Figure 2). This railroad corridor is recommended eligible for the NRHP.     As part of our investigation, potential non-physical impacts were also examined for each NRHP eligible resource. This included both visual and noise effects. After careful consideration, we recommend that there will be no adverse effects to the NRHP-eligible buildings located within the project APE. JO-RM-5, the Covington & Macon Railroad/Norfolk-Southern Railroad corridor will not be physically impacted as a result of this project, and its function as an active rail corridor will not be impeded by the proposed project. As a result, there will likewise be no adverse effect to this resource.