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TCNS ID 100265 Proposed 150-Foot Monopole Communications Structure (163-Foot Overall Height Including Appurtenances

Report Number
Year of Publication

An Archaeological Assessment was conducted within the APE for direct effects. During our database research, we found no previously recorded archaeological sites, but one archaeological survey report (5703), within our standard %‑mile background research radius, but not within the APE for direct effects. Survey 5703 was conducted along the Interstate Highway 75 to the west of the proposed undertaking. No NRHP‑listed or eligible resources were identified during the survey. During our fieldwork, we uncovered no archaeological sites (see Attachment E‑1c). Based on our findings, we recommend no further consultation under Section 106 Review of the National Historic Preservation Act for this proposed undertaking.

Based on this documentation, prepared in accordance with the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement effective March 7, 2005, ECA believes that this proposed facility would have no effect on any Historic Properties identified in accordance with the NPA. Therefore, we recommend a finding of "No Effect" for the proposed undertaking.