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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Median Crossover Improvements Along SR 3/US 19 from the State Line to County Road (CR) 219 in Thomas County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project is located along SR 3/US 19 from the state line to CR 219 in Thomas County, Georgia. The proposed project would reduce potential fatalities and serious injury collisions by adding 16 feet of lateral offset to the existing left turn lanes at each median opening. Right tum lanes would also be installed at paved public street intersections and entrances to major traffic generators where existing right-of-way (ROW) allows.

The project locations along SR 3/US 19 begin at approximately Mile Post (MP) .58 and end at MP 10.77, or 10.2 miles total length. At these locations, the existing Type "A" median crossovers would be reconstructed to provide Type "B" Median Crossovers. Right tum lanes would also be constructed and/or extended where practical to meet design speed deceleration distances at these same locations. Of the 20 locations listed below, 4 would have right tum lanes constructed at them, each 12 feet in width. These locations include: MP 4.83 – CR 11/Reichertville Road, approximately 1,584 feet in length, MP 5.83 - CR 22/New Hope Road, approximately 1,555 feet in length, MP 9.78 - CR 321NV Curtis Lane, approximately 1,588 feet, and MP .10.77- CR 219/ Sunset Drive, which was approximately 1,570 feet in length.

As defined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Federal Highway Administration, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), and the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office, dated May 14, 2013, the reconstruction of median crossovers is considered a minor maintenance project and thus, does not have the potential to cause effects to historic properties as defmed in 36 CFR 800.16(i). Therefore, the potential effects related to the subject project are limited to the locations of the proposed right tum lanes. These proposed median modifications fall under No. 4 of the MOU's Section B, which covers "Installation and upgrading of median crossovers on divided highways." The version of the MOU current at the time EPEI was contracted for the project did not include a provision for the inclusion of turn lanes, therefore EPEI surveyed them.