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Proposed Rehabilitation and Resurfacing of Crossgate Road from SR 21 to NS Railroad, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project consists of the resurfacing of Crossgate Drive between SR 21/Augusta Road and the Norfolk Southern Railroad (Figures 1-3) within the existing ROW. Crossgate Drive is a two-lane roadway (one lane each direction), including 12-ft travel lanes with concrete pavement (to replace the current asphalt) and grassed shoulders. Total project length is 0.5 mile. One truck turn-around area would be added within existing ROW to the south side of the road and west of the railroad, providing space to allow trucks to turn left on Crossgate Drive. The turn-around would begin on the south shoulder approximately 1,050 feet west of the railroad and end approximately 280 feet west of the railroad. Five roadway signs will be installed in relation to the turn-around. Existing right-of-way (ROW) is 40 feet on either side of centerline, and additional ROW required for the turnaround varies from 10 feet to 100 feet.